Sunday, November 13, 2011

'fuck' words 4 times :)

yaaaay ! she's still posted about meeee :D hahahah xD you really know how to lit my mood up xD okay okay , you want me to reply ? let's begiiiin :D and btw , this is the last 'reply' from me ;)

"Who do you fucking think you are ?!"
- hmmm , a girl ? senang cerita , aku ni budak lepasan PMR and tengah tunggu result nak keluar and nak tau aku ni kena tendang ke tak dari sekolah tu xD

"Her decision is exactly the same as my decision . Jealous ?!"
- her decision is EXACTLY THE SAME AS YOURS ? err , then , why you're taking the ERT class while she's taking the PERDAGANGAN class ? seriously your decision are same ? want to blame who ? school ? yeah , for not making your decision same with her xDDDD and , for what i want to get jealous ? for not having someone that their decision same with me ? pfft , my life are not to be controlled t-,-

"Who even cares about it ?! Who are they ? Sorry but i know nothing about them ?"
- wait wait wait ! why at the 'who even cares about it' end with '?!' are you not happy or shocked that there's still other peoples who cares about me ? hahaha xD who are they ? they are my friends and my family laaah , duhh ==' you know nothing about them ? err , did i ever mentioned or told you to .. know who they are , how we can be friends and so on ? i don't think i ever told you that , so , wait !! are you ... interested who are they ? hahahah xD

"I hate having a fucking kind of stalker like you ."
- whoooo ~~ it's about stalker :) okay guys , let's read her sentence again . i hate HAVING , so that's mean , there are so fucking many stalkers in her life xD just , she hate the kind of me stalking ;)

"You think i don't know that you are staring my back just now in school ?! My twins know everything about it , so don't make up other stories !"
- the most 'question' that i can't wait to 'answer' xD well , ehem , i am not staring at your back . for what i want to wasted my time by only staring at your back ? it's not interesting ==' i'm telling you the truth . and , actually , did your twin forgot or .. make up stories that i've got that short-sightedness problem ? and that time , i'm not wearing my spectacles ==' pfft , you're so easy to get tricked by others .

"Oh yeah , and i heard that once you wanted ATIKA's number from Mayven ! Shame on you wei ! What kind of person are you ?! Why don't you just ask from her , YOURSELF ! Trying to be a good person to me from now ? Sorry but i still think you are the same like a trash , not only me but my twins too !"
- whooohoooo !! i think , why not you bold and change the font to the larger for ATIKA ? pfft ==' i'm not asking her myself because , just imagine you're asking one of my friends number by yourself ? like a stranger asking for number -,- trying to be a good person to you and her ? err , jap , ape kena mengena nye antara aku mintak number dengan .. nak baik dengan korang ? ==' kau ni , lari topik ah . trash pulok ? kejap bitch , then copy-cater , pastu faker . sekarang trash pulak ? kau ni memang tak de pendirian tetap ah wey xD

"And have a life without your own fellow friends !"
- tsk tsk tsk . how many times should i type here about my friends ? or , is that you the one who don't know what the meaning of friends when i posted on my blog ? awww , pity you ;p

"You're a friend snatcher , freak stalker and a fucking heart breaker ."
- okay , let's start the guessing game . guess what was my reaction and my facial during reading this sentences ? my reaction was like , "err ? oh , okay ." and my facial was like ":| err , seriously ? "

- wait , i'm looking where's all the fuck i gave . wait till i found it and i will get lost xDDD

-13 November 2011-

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